Pretest: Name 5 Countries in South America
About half the students answered this question perfectly.
Some students struggled.
Here is an alphabetical list of non-South American nations that, in some imaginations, have joined us in the Western Hemisphere:
About half the students answered this question perfectly.
Some students struggled.
Here is an alphabetical list of non-South American nations that, in some imaginations, have joined us in the Western Hemisphere:
- Acapas
- Afghanistan
- Africa
- Alstralia
- Antarctica
- Armenia
- Asia
- Blahblah
- Chili
- China
- Coda Rica
- Debrish
- Ecodor
- Ecru
- Egypt
- Erop
- Ethiopia
- Europe
- Filipines
- France
- Fyomzuilla
- Germany
- Guam
- Guatado
- Iran
- Italy
- Liberia
- Maracas
- Namibia
- Pakistan
- Potwatamie
- South Africa
- Spain
- Taliban
- Valencia
- Wadoo
- Watamala