Thursday, January 2, 2014

"Your hand might feel like it's going to fall off by the end of class, but it's worth it"

To the Future Students of Dr. Soldani,

 If you are reading this letter, it can be assumed you are showing some interest in taking American Experience this semester. 

Before this class I had a lot of trouble with history because of the way it was being taught. Dr. Soldani is a teacher whom not only keeps you engaged and entertained throughout the entire lecture, but she delivers commendable lectures connects the journey of our nation in a way that makes sense. 

Whether you are interested in History or not, this will end up being one of your favorite classes at TCC. This is a real class that requires showing up consistently and taking detailed notes.

 Your hand might feel like it's going to fall off by the end of class, but it's worth it when it since all exams are short/paragraph answer. 

Throughout the class there are also a handful of opportunities for extra credit assignments to earn money. This $20 is an extra 20 points towards the exams, paper, or attendance, so never miss a chance to do them. 

This class has given me a deeper appreciation and understanding of the history of this country, and I hope it does the same for you as well.

Best Wishes,