Monday, December 1, 2014

More Q & A from students

Question: With all respect Dr. Soldani, please stop driving me nuts. I check my grades ten times a day and you still haven't fixed my grade from X and you owe me $ from Y.
Answer: I know. I know. I do all my grade fixing in one sitting. Print out your grades and hand them in on the last day of class (AMH 1041: Thursday & AMH 2020: Friday)-- indicate what changes I still owe you. Have faith in me to get your grades right, OK?

Question: When is the publishing deadline for students who are publishing the book and asking to get a take-home exam?
Answer: 1pm on Friday,
Question: When is it due for everyone else?
Answer: 11:59pm, this Friday night, on Blackboard
Question: Why do I have to put my bank account info to create a CreateSpace account?
Answer: You don't. That's for direct deposit. I have them send me checks. I like checks. Send me checks any day. Anyyyyyyy day. OK, back to questions. 

Question: Can students put money towards the 100 point project?
Answer: Yes. $100 is 100 points

Question: Will everyone who writes a book earn 100 points on the 100 point project?
Answer: Definitely not.  I will grade all projects on the quality of the research and story.  I'm proud of those of you who have the courage to put your work out there, but please know that not all  published projects will earn A's. 

Question: Can I put class money towards Exam #1 or Exam #2?
Answer:  That window has closed. Money can be put towards an Exam on Exam Day ONLY. Students who are unhappy with their grades for Exam 1 or Exam 2 may take the makeup exam and attempt to bring their grade up.

Question: Can students buy out of Exam #3?
Answer: No. Only students who publish a book and have a 75% in the class can ask for the take-home version of the exam.  The take-home exam will be due online through safeassign by 11:59 Wednesday December.

Question: How can I buy out of past quizzes?
Answer: Turn in the money at Exam #3 along with a nice letter to me explaining on how you'd like your money-points distributed.