Sunday, April 3, 2016

AMH 2020 Exam #3 Study Guide

6 of these will be on your exam @ 20 points each*
  1. Appeasement
  2. Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
  3. Tripartite Pact & US Response
  4. Casablanca Conference 
  5. Evacuation at Dunkirk
  6. Jenny on the Job
  7. Double V Campaign
  8. How did the Bikini get its name?
  9. Iron Curtain & containment
  10. Truman Doctrine/Marshall Plan
  11. Berlin Airlift and Candy Drop
  12. Yalta Conference
  13. Bay of Pigs
  14. Operation Mongoose
  15. Cuban Missile Crisis
  16. Operation Pedro Pan
  17. Explain the early Korean War 1950-1953 in 5 sentences