Friday, July 22, 2016

Sariha Urges us to be an Example of Great Love

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. -Mahatma Gandhi. For my service project I was unsure of what I wanted to do, there are many opportunities out there to help others. I specifically chose to do something that I had never done, but have wanted to do for the longest. In Tallahassee I have noticed the high population of homeless people that we have. Almost every corner of a main street in Tallahassee has a homeless person asking for anything. This has impacted me because I am a believer in helping others because of my belief in a heavenly father that blesses us and he wants all of us to help our brothers or sisters as much as we can. 
I decided to make bags with important items that the homeless may need. I don’t know what it feels like to be homeless. I think it’s a great feeling of desperation, of losing either your job, failing in a relationship, of falling into an addiction that leads to having feelings of just giving up, of not trying or working towards that necessity everyday. My parents have taught me that everything requires effort, and that we have to be able to understand that every day to continue. I went on pinterest and read an article of a lady that was once homeless and explained what are the most important items that homeless would love to get in the goodie bags that people would love to donate. I don’t have a lot of money but I tried my best to put these bags together. I bought quart size zip lock bags, and the items that I was able to afford to put in the bags were: a pair of socks for each bag, tooth paste, tooth brush, cookies, lip balm, tissue paper, and some candy to sweeten their day. I wanted to do the gallon size bags and put other items in the bags like can foods, beef jerky but I didn’t have the money to buy more things to put in the bags. I was only able to make 10 bags with all the items. 
I donated the bags to the Kearny Center here in Tallahassee, and I felt unsure of my donation because I thought that it wasn’t going to be that much, and the contribution wasn’t going to be enjoyed. When I entered the building I was received by really nice ladies that work in the front desk and they welcomed me and stated that they we were very happy that I had the courtesy of making a donation. I felt so good inside to hear from the ones that know how much the homeless need. I think that most of the homeless need someone to go up to them and talk to them, and show them that it really is not easy to have everything that someone that works has, those that have acquired either a home, a car, or anything is because they most likely have worked to earn it. But we need to show compassion for those that are in need because they may be facing some kind of a hardship that acts like a wall in front of them and will not let them move on. 
I need to be a great example of love, and also show how much I care for them enough to have their hearts change.

 I loved the fact that I was able to help someone in my community, I’m always looking for opportunities to help others in my life. I love the quote that I picked because it really sums up the importance of charity, and love for our neighbors. When we lose ourselves in helping someone either as a tutor, or given them a ride, or been a great example of a hard worker that will immensely influence the people around us. 
I have a lot of friends that have come to the United States from Central America and I want to start like an English class for them, as well as tutoring because the parents of these children work long hours during the week, leaving their kids to their own. These kids that come to the US are highly impacted by the new system, and the way of life and sometimes they fall into depression, they feel insecure and they want to have what others have and it becomes a huge negative factor in their life to only want the materialist things around them. I hope to keep this spirit of charity in me to help others. This assignment has really helped me see the importance of helping in out as best as I can.