A big surprise this semester was how many students correctly identified 5 non-Christian religions. I push my students to write ANYTHING, and mark them off if they leave the question blank, so please know that some of these religions were created under the mental duress of a fast paced stressful History Quiz.
- Monarchy
- Troy
- Dominicans
- Aquatic
- Baptism
- Kanye-Westism
- Soldanism
- Schools
- Maoism
- Chinese
- Mermaids
- Romans
- Aliens
- Volleyball
- The Day People
- Football
- Lindoism
- Donald Trump Supporters
- altruism
- Catholics
- Timids
- Canadians
- Shiism
- Strawberries
- Zin
- Tina Fey
- Communism,
- Gothic
- Yazi