Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sierria's Report

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. - Dalai Lama
            For my service project I bought Christmas gifts for the veterans. I wanted to do something that I knew I could put my 100% in, and since I have a pretty unpredictable schedule I knew dinners wouldn’t work for me. When I saw that I could buy Christmas presents for the veterans I knew I needed to do it. Christmas is my favorite holiday, I mean you have white elephant, secret Santa’s, and presents under the tree. This holiday is centered around receiving presents, so it must be hard knowing that people are getting presents and you are not. I just found out last year that not only am I great at giving gifts, but I become excited at the thought of giving someone something. Even if all I am giving are towels, chocolate, and gift card to Walmart.
            Earlier this year I was at an art festival with a close friend and there was a booth supporting women’s hygiene education. I knew about the organization and I knew they were trustworthy enough to donate to. I only donated twenty dollars and felt empowered, as a woman I would be so confused if I didn’t know why my body works the way it does. As I walked away my friend said “that’s a lot of money for a charity. We are just broke college kids, shouldn’t you just wait till you are older and have more money.” The minute they said that I felt even more empowered. If I am giving my money away, the little I have now I can’t wait till I am older and making more money to donate. I immediately thought of that bible story where the widow gives all she has to the church and is looked down, while the others were giving only 10%. She was blessed by god for giving her all, while the others gained nothing. I’m not very religious but I do believe good things happen to good people. Even if all I am doing is giving money or presents to people not only because they need them but deserve them. 

            I hope this has an impact on someone’s life. I bought some pretty good chocolate that I would be excited to get, and you can find literally anything at Walmart.