Thursday, May 11, 2017

Arabism, Canadian, Christian

Pretest Question #3: Name 5 Religions that are not "Christian" and do not believe in Jesus as their savior.  Color me surprised, y’all ---  many of the answers were amazing. One student apologized for writing Taoism AND Buddhism, noting that Taoists are Buddhist, so I made sure to put a few red hearts by her name on my roster.

Here are some the rest of the responses:

·      Arabic
·      Arabism
·      Canadian
·      Cannibalism
·      Cannibism
·      Catholasisum
·      Catholics
·      Catism
·      Chinism
·      Christian
·      Cratism
·      Dogism
·      Dumbism
·      Egyptians
·      Hoodo
·      Inolikejesusism
·      Jedi
·      Jewidism
·      Julism
·      Kallism
·      Kawasaki
·      Masonary Shriners
·      Nepitism
·      Nonjesusism
·      Presbatarianism
·      Queerism
·      Ratism
·      Sincerity
·      South America
·      The Asian Religions
·      Tiaism
·      Wedonnotbelieveinjesusism
·      Whattheheckareweteachingism
·      Ying Ling