Monday, May 29, 2017

JP:By helping the veterans, I hope that one day they will have enough guidance and enough strength to get back into a comfortable life that they deserve

The wise man does not lay up his own treasures. The more he gives to others, the more he has for his own.” 
― Lao Tzu

This quote seems relatable for my service project because I chose to do my service at the veteran’s village. While, I did not get to cook a home cooked meal this time around I contributed to a dinner by bringing drinks for the veterans. Considering I had not heard about the veteran’s village until my first semester with Dr. Soldani, I was pleased to volunteer to bring drinks for the dinner. I chose to attend a dinner this semester because I wanted to be their physically, and experience the joy of helping others. 

When at the dinner everyone contributed by bringing a different item for the veterans to enjoy. The food was set up buffet style and the veterans waited in line for their serving. I was so pleased to be a part of this event because it is such rewarding feeling to help others who are lease fortunate. As I was helping to set up for the veteran’s dinner, I was able to socialize with fellow classmates and talk to the security guard who watches over everything, and he thanked everyone for being able to volunteer. Everyone was so happy to be able to attend this dinner and before the dinner the room was filled with so much positive energy. 

As the veterans started to line up I was shocked, there were so many people and while they were being served they seemed to appreciate the food so much and I could just tell they were looking forward to the dinner we all contributed to. After the dinner, I helped clean up and I got to hear some of the sad situations the veterans deal with daily.  It was heart breaking, but I was happy I was able to provide something to make their day a little more positive. By volunteering to contribute to the veteran’s village, and by attending this dinner I have been able make a difference in many of the veteran’s lives.

 So far I have donated gift cards, food, and drinks and provided my assistance to help prepare for a dinner. I strongly believe I have impacted some of the veterans lives by volunteering because I believe my help went a long way in providing more for them, and brightened their spirits. This experience has impacted my educational wisdom because it was so beneficial to volunteer for these veterans. Although I volunteered my help, I too gained perspective on how difficult some of their lives may be, which impacted me personally because I realize how important it is too reach out and help in the community.

 My goal is to take this experience and further my volunteering at home in Miami. I hope to help volunteer more to be more involved in helping the community I live in. Additionally, by lending a hand in the community, I feel I am making the place I live in a healthier and stronger environment. By helping the veterans, I hope that one day they will have enough guidance and enough strength to get back into a comfortable life that they deserve. Considering that in Dr. Soldani’s class this was the first time I did any service at Tallahassee Community College I feel it impacted my life immensely. 

During my time at TCC I really hadn’t volunteered since high school, so while I was taken by surprise by the requirement, I found that I enjoyed it a lot and it was beneficial to many people. In my opinion I believe more classes should involve volunteer work, it isn’t often that too many college kids make time to extend their hand, by volunteering. 

In conclusion, I enjoyed my time spent at the veteran’s village and just by communicating with the veterans it changed my outlook on volunteering in the future. Not only was volunteering at veteran’s village a humbling experience, but it has encouraged me to volunteer in other places. Furthermore, while having conversations with people that struggle daily and look forward to the little things in life that bring them joy like having a hot dinner, or their own gift card to purchase something of their choice, it made me realize how grateful I truly am. Since, volunteering I am more appreciative and caring and I hope to encourage my family, friends and boyfriend to volunteer at functions with me in the future.