Saturday, September 16, 2017

Still Grading*

From the open-notes assignment: Type all your lecture notes into a narrative--->

"Lincoln died only 4 days after the war ended, setting up the election of Robert Lee in 1864."

"15th Amendment: Rights of the United States shall NOT BE DENIED"

"During the American Colonization Society many conflicts occurred."

"The 3/4 Compromise stated the Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the USA."

"The term Lost Cause came from Southern Women."

"The Venetian Era was a time of gender roles. We get our ideas of men and women from Venetians."

*not a narrative

I promise I didn't say this in class, or start the class this way, but in lecture 3 we do cover the 13th Amendment  saying slavery is abolished "except as punishment for a crime...."
These are the students I worry about -- the ones who didn't submit work in their own words*

compromise statred the L:ouisiana Purchase
which doubled th
e U.s in size, but led a lot of people to =start moving out and settiling in the
compromise statred the L:ouisiana Purchase
which doubled th
e U.s in size, but led a lot of people to =start moving out and settiling in the
compromise statred the L:ouisiana Purchase
which doubled th
e U.s in size, but led a lot of people to =start moving out and settiling in the