Sunday, December 24, 2017

JM: I’ve heard stories of how tough it was being in the barracks for months at a time, and just wishing for a piece of candy

“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” - Douglas Adams


            The reason why I chose to send boxes to Afghanistan I felt like it would make the most difference for my situation. Growing up, none of my direct family members were in the military, but my grandfather, and uncles were. I’ve heard stories of how tough it was being in the barracks for months at a time, and just wishing for a piece of candy, or something that was junk food to munch on. 
This inspired me to so the boxes to Afghanistan, because I know how much those them crave junk foods, especially working out all day, and being starving at the end of the day I know those men have to be craving foods that are sweet and salty. I thoroughly enjoyed packing the boxes for the men to be sent, because it made me feel like I was doing something for our country. I really appreciate you for doing this for our history class, it was a total surprise at the beginning of the semester when you are that we were doing service projects, because this is not what I was expecting from a college history class. From what I learned, the success a student has is  based on the professor, and you are the greatest professor vie ever had. I don’t usually say that, but it is true, and I am so grateful to have had you this fall. You helped a lot of us freshman get over being scared of college, and get right into our work and enjoy your class. If it was not for you, I honestly think that many of us wouldn’t have had the semester we did, not just in your class, but all of our classes. People talked about you outside the classroom, and let me assure you it was all good talk.  Even academic advisors who I told I had you, said wow, you are lucky, I said, “I know”. You’re the greatest Dr. Soldani, thank you for a fabulous semester, you are an expert in U.S. History, but you already knew that. Here are my second pictures of the second box I sent.