Sunday, December 24, 2017

TB: The best way that we can be great as a society is to be HUMAN


“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.”- Audrey Hepburn.
These words summarize everything that made me want to do this project. I did this as an extra credit service project, but at the same time it meant a lot knowing that I was able to help soldiers when I could. For this service project I chose to send a box of toiletries to the soldiers overseas. This was a really interesting service project for me since I do not have any members of my family that are currently serving in the armed forces and it seemed like a really nice act of service for the soldiers. The things that the soldiers receive may not be a lot but the small things are important when they are not able to be with family for the holidays.
 For me to be able to send things to the vets overseas showed me how important helping in my career field is. The career path that I’ve chosen is Environmental Engineering and sometimes the connection to the people that the work directly affects gets lost in government regulations and corporate power. I think that by sending the things I sent shows the soldiers that their service is not unappreciated. The best way that we can be great as a society is to be HUMAN. In that I mean that we are all victims to life’s ups and downs and we must have the compassion to assist people in need even if it doesn’t appear to directly impact us. Everything in this life is connected in some way and it is important for each of us to do social service events or projects like this in order to maintain the optimum balance of society if we want true progress. In today’s world there is so much tension and fear amongst people that people make excuses to get out of living within their human nature.
The world that we live in is focused more on the concepts surrounding material possessions but people are empty on the inside. This imbalance creates so many issues that stunt our growth and projects like this make a way for people that are unaware of this imbalance to wake up and observe before the negative conditioning becomes a permanent pathway. When I go to Haiti each year, I feed and clothes people that are in need and I take medical supplies to small clinics and schools because supply costs are high and they cannot afford to pay. It does not appear to be a lot on the surface, but small events like this shape the future of the recipients of the good deeds or acts of kindness. It is my belief that this is the first chain to a link of chains that will change the world as we see it. One thing that has come to my mind while writing this, is that I need to stay grounded in these ideas while I go through my program and be apart of a few internships or volunteering events in my field. This project was great and I understand the reason it is important for students to complete. If the people

In closing, I feel happy that I took Dr. Soldani’s class instead of the online class. I was able to connect with a professor that has an investigative mind for history instead of the standard memorization and regurgitation teaching that most history professors hold. She told us stories so that we could see through her lens and it worked. I am grateful of her time and her dedication.