autumn darkness falls, what we will remember are the small acts of kindness: a
cake, a hug, an invitation to talk, and every single rose. These are all
expressions of a nation coming together and caring about its people.” This quote was spoken by
the famous politician named Jens Stoltenberg. Based off this quote, it
represents how everyone in this world can come together to unite as one to help
others through the small things to help one get by in life.
In class, we were
assigned to have the opportunity to do this service project to help out
homeless veterans in rough times of need.
I decided to go to Kohl’s and let items that spoke out to me that would
give someone an opportunity to use items that would be beneficial. I bought 4
towels, 2 slippers, and 2 blankets. This connects to my core value as my
parents always tell me to respect and give back to veterans. These people put
their life on the line to go through hell and back.
They spent hours and
dedication to go through training, fight in combat, and do actions no one
should have to do. They go through horrific situations just so American can
live their life without having to worry where their freedom will be. So, since
they put their life in danger for us then I can at least pay them with respect
with resources to get back on their feet and thank you for what they have
done. My major is undecided as of right
night, but I believe this project can influence my decision making to picking a
major that could change, or help someone.
When doing this assignment, it has
impacted the veterans, the community, and myself. It impacts the veterans by
saving their money on food, or other times that are necessary. It gives them
protection to their feet, keep warm, and dry of excess water. Buying these
items for veterans show a notable example for everyone in the community that
they should join. It will motivate them that if a college student can donate
some of their money and time to get them than so can everyone else. It should
motivate the community to come together like what Jens Stoltenberg said and do
a small act of kindness by helping the veterans out. This assignment has impacted
myself as it was a learning experience. It helped me realize who I want to be
as a person and set up an example to others. It is such an incredible feeling
knowing you helped save one’s life just by doing something small, but to them it means the world.
also learned words that I was able to relate to that defines my character when
I give back to others. Selfless is when one does an act for another without the
benefit of yourself. Doing this service project allows me to be selfless as I
used my money on items for someone else to help them live. Humanitarian is when
someone who helps people who live in very unpleasant conditions. These veterans
went dropped everything, or even lost everything to help America. They could’ve sold their house with
everything in it such as clothes, shoes, personal belongings, furniture,
etc. Not everyone has a family, or
friends that they can leave their stuff with, so they either donate, or sell
those items. They then come back to having nothing which means they are now in an
unpleasant condition to having nothing, or even someone. Outreach is when
someone gives back before they even ask.
The veterans shouldn’t have to ask for help as
they have done so much for us already.
So, surprise them with a wonderful and
giving gift.
Make their day with a little surprise when they least expect a
There could be abundant amount of other adjectives that describe ones
character by giving back ,but the point is that you as an individual have the
ability to warm someone’s heart.
You have no clue what is going on through their mind. This gift
could have given them hope that things will turn around and not to give up.
Life will get better and this could motivate them to get back on their feet.
Thank you for this opportunity to allow me to grow as an individual, learn the
meaning of giving back, save a life, make a day, and show others how one should
act. Without this assignment, I wouldn’t have realized how amazing life is and how
much joy it is to give back to others. I hope you continue this project as it
has grabbed people attention to be more selfless and give back.